Saturday, June 28, 2008

Where have all the witches gone....

I wrote this story for Heer and Tinni-so here goes girls.

It was the pits. Really, truly. She was stuck with the brat all day. She had tried to argue with her mother ‘Its unfair, I get one holiday in a week ‘’.Her mother sternly said ‘And you only have one nephew, so its perfectly alright to look after him for a day ‘’. With that her mother sailed out like a rather large ship, patting the obnoxious child on his curly -oh – so- sweet head. Now it was just the two of them, and the monsoons raging outside.

She tried nice ‘Would you like to play a game, carom , Uno, Chinese checkers or anything else. ’He was a bit young for Monopoly, Scrabble or anything else. He shook his head. He shook his head. ‘We cant go out, so how about a story? ’.He again shook his head ‘Mummy tells me bedtime stories. They are so silly. All about princesses, and fairies…that’s for girls ‘’She tried to smile ,while thinking ‘this MCP’. She almost smirked ‘Not that kind of a story. A scary story….but you may get very frightened ‘’.

She knew she had hooked him. He was all ears

‘ Once upon a time there lived a very good and noble little prince,’ He looked bored…..She carried on ‘ Everyone in the kingdom loved him ’He interrupted ‘Atya , I don’t want to hear this story’ She shssed him, and carried on ‘One sunny day he was taking a walk in the woods. A poor little rabbit was trapped, and was looking very sad. The good prince bent down, and undid the trap. The rabbit was free. ‘You are free , rabbit, you can go home ‘’ Suddenly there was a piercing scream.A grating, screeching voice shouted ‘Who did that ?’A tall, black figure stood there.The prince shivered.The apparition had blood red eyes,snarling teeth,bared in a grimace.His eyes drilled though the prince. ‘Are you the idiot who set her free ?A nod ‘Sorrry sir,the rabbit was in pain….’’He trailed off.

The dark man was looking very angry. ‘What rabbit? That was Morven,the most powerful witch in the world. I finally trapped her ,and you set her free..’ The conversation was interrupted by a wild cackle of purely malicious laughter. The rabbit was now a beautiful young woman, in a robe of swirling colors. ‘I escaped. You can never catch me…..’A whiff of smoke,she disappeared. The dark figure cursed ‘Now see what you have done….I have no choice ,but to take you with me ’

The prince was very scared,he didn’t know what to do…whimpered ‘You cant do that.I am the Prince of this Kingdom ‘’ The dark man growled ‘And I am the Prince of Darkness ‘’.The prince was flying through the sky,from the light to the dark,from his kingdom to he-didn’t know where.And they landed. A land of dark shadows,his nostrils were full of the reek of fire and brimstone. He wanted to be home again.But alas,that was not possible. Grey,thin figures stood around him ‘Sire,where is Morwen?And who is he ? ‘’ ‘This prince freed her….’ Sounds of lamentations.

The prince was frightened,but he was a prince. ‘What do you people want ? My father ,the King will give it you ,if you send me home…’His voice trailed off……they were not listening, they were advancing. A gust of wind shook them off their course. Morwen stood there. ‘Let the boy go.’ The dark man glared ‘How dare you enter my kingdom/? Begone witch ‘’.Morwen smiled,a wicked smile. ‘Free him.Send him back.This battle is between us.’ The grey figures were moaning ‘we are so hungry Sire ‘’.The dark figure hesitated ‘So you will become my captive if I let him go?’Morwen nodded,but a glint of anger lurked in her fiery eyes.He saw,he realized she was very clever and powerful, he didn’t trust her,he decided.

The dark man sneered ‘ A little test noble prince. I will leave you where I found you. Also before I took you, at the same time in the past.’ The prince nodded. ‘There is a condition. I leave the witch’s fate in your hands. The rabbit will be there, my prisoner….you can free it, or walk away. You , noble prince ,determine the witch’s fate….’And he laughed. Before the witch could intervene

he picked up the prince and left him where he was….. And the rabbit was still there trapped. The prince thought, he remembered, and he walked away…..

Her nephew interrupted ‘He cant do that, Morwen saved his life…..’’ She smiled ‘A coward always forgets the persons who helped him’ ‘ ‘ What happened to Morwen ? ‘’ She sighed ‘Do you really want to know?’ An assent. ‘Well they captured her,so she couldn’t save children anymore ‘’ ‘And ?’ A mysterious smile flitted on her lips ‘They succeeded. The children disappeared. So did Morwen .But the prince lived happily ever after.’

Her nephew looked very upset. ‘What a horrible prince. That was a very scary, but sad story, atya. Is it true ?’She smiled a sad smile ‘Yes Rohan, it’s a true story.’ Morwen had sacrified herself to save the ungrateful prince…..
‘Where did she disappear to? She couldn’t be dead, witches don’t die….or do they’/?’ She smiled mysteriously ‘Well, she vanished, and for a long time ,her powers left her, but she returned, ‘’ Eagerly he asked ‘ Where is she ,and what is she doing ?’ ‘Back in this world and hunting for the prince…..’ ‘Will she find him?’ Another smile ‘What do you think?’

He saw his atya’s pretty face staring oddly at him….